Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A top publication in economics is worth at least 100 000 US$

In this freakonomics podcast "Who Owns the Words That Come Out of Your Mouth?", Steve Levitt states (at 25' 40) that a top publication in economics is worth at least 100 000 US$ for a young academic. How interesting ... (by the way, I'd like to see the calculation - thanks for pointing the paper out if it exists).

The rest of the podcast is of interest as well, since it shows how (over)reaching the copyright law is in the UK (even compared to the US). The example taken is Winston Churchill, and how his estate receives roughly 40 US cents for any word pronounced by him that is published in a book...

By the way, I have recently listened to an audio class on "Winston Churchill: Man of the Century" produced by The Modern Scholar. I have found it most interesting, long enough at 7 hours to get some real feedback on the guy, but not too long as to become boring. I recommend this as a very nice introduction to Winston Churchill's life and time.

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